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Growth Marketing

Rideeats is a food ordering & delivery client in Nigeria, with a competitive strategy to penetrate the industry via its choice of operational locations.

Google Ads

I designed ads to cater to different stages of the client acquisition journey. Using a blend of video ads with broad targeting, app promotion ads and display ads with a more data-driven strategy. 

Meta Ads

Meta ads was focused on the awareness stage and consideration stages of the customer acquisition journey, with reach goals and carousel ads.

Email Marketing & Copywriting

Email re-marketing was done using Mailchimp. We built customer journeys, custom email designs/templates for the welcome email series, abandon cart series and series for repeating purchase customers

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing strategies involved using Facebook & Instagram and TikTok, which were the platforms of the buyer persona. However, I included LinkedIn as a platform for a different customer segment.


This includes UX copywriting, for the suite of applications, Website copywriting for the web and landing pages, and brainstorming web content for client acquisition and funnel purposes.