I'm a direct-response marketing expert that brings your business more customers than you can handle
I write words that provoke your customers to action and get them to open their wallets, while begging you to take their money.
I design inbound content creation & marketing strategies, S.E.O, Social Media Marketing and Leads Generation strategies to breed loyal customers.
I create strategies to help SaaS startups, Agencies & On-Demand businesses get the first 1,000 to 10,000 clients and customers through the door.
Temitayo is a direct-response digital marketer with experience writing copy, blog content writing, designing marketing content, directing inbound content strategy, digital advertising and creating conversion funnels.
Temitayo is a Nigerian-born digital marketer, a lover of Christ and a Co-founder with years of experience in selling to the Nigerian, US and UK online markets.
I've served over 15 Clients, contributing direct response marketing efforts to systems worth over $500,000