Discover How To Conjure $2,000 With Direct Mail Copywriting

5 ways to make money with direct mail copywriting


Are you a tech wizard or a newbie? 

Well, let’s add the ability to read minds to your skill stack today!

Have you ever heard of direct mail copywriting

Since the world is filled with the likes of Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter,  it appears in all honesty, that Direct Mail isn’t enduring

however, the hard truth is that direct mail is actually flourishing!

So the question is, how do you do direct mail such that it appears like witchcraft or wizardry?

Simple, the magic is in the words!

In this article, we will discuss how to do direct mail copywriting and talk about the value of words in high-conversion direct mail copywriting.

(Plus- you can use what you learn in this article for your social media cold DMs!)

So, Let’s Go!

What is High-Conversion Direct Mail Copywriting?

Envision you’re creating a message that is clear to your readers 

And that message triggered them to carry out an action. 

That is high-conversion direct mail copywriting for you. 

The focus of DM copywriting is creating convincing content that incites the readers or users to carry out an action, such as buying your tech products, buying into your bulletin, or visiting your website. 

High-conversion words flawlessly drive these client activities, upgrade their commitment to you 

and most importantly results in your business development.

The craft- or in this case- the art of writing such words that prompts these users to make a particular move is what is known as Direct Mail Copywriting.

Plus- When we say “high-conversion, “what we mean is that the copy is so convincing that it prompts a client to make a commitment and, eventually, buy from your business

The Expected Effect of High-Conversion Direct Mail Copywriting on Your Business

Direct mail copywriting resembles having a key or a magic wand that gives you access to your clients’ brains, assisting you with suggesting new ideas to them 

while keeping your current clients enchanted. 

With a very carefully crafted copy, your business can convey designated messages that mirror your extraordinary brand characteristics, which continues to push your brand to the top of their mind. 

This ultimately results in expanded brand visibility, defined brand perception, a flood of fresh deals and trust-building with your clients. 

Sounds perfect for you right?


In your direct mail marketing, the magic of a powerful copy couldn’t possibly be more emphasized. 

A very carefully crafted copy can charm the reader, spark their interest, and eventually enchant them to make a move. 

So, whether it’s intended to captivate them to make a purchase, visit your website, or attend an event you’re hosting,  the speciality of copywriting for direct mail is an expertise every advertiser or business must seek to dominate.

So how do you do direct mail copywriting or copywriting for DMs?

Step 1: Understand your listeners’ perspective and their core problems (we also call these pain points)

Wrote this direct mail for a startup looking to build an app for ODPs in the UK

Before you put a pen to paper to write, it’s vital to have a profound comprehension of your main target audience and their trouble spots. 

What are their requirements, their wants, and their difficulties? 

What specific drivers propel them to make a move or take action? 

By digging into their mentality, you can tailor your copy to resonate with their feelings and cravings.

Begin by carrying out an exhaustive statistical survey 

and making buyer persona documentation that addresses your optimal clients. 

(Your buyer persona is a semi-fictional build of the IDEAL buyer you want to patronize your brand).

This will assist you with uncovering their socioeconomics, inclinations, and inspirations. 

When you have a reasonable image of who you’re addressing, you can build messages that address their pain points and you can build convincing deals and craft compelling offers.

Need help writing direct mail for your startup, agency or freelancing business, simply reach out here.

Step 2: Benefits Over Features

Wrote this direct mail for a startup looking to build an app for ODPs in the UK

While composing your copy, make sure to zero in on the benefits as opposed to the features of your product or service. 

Your target audience needs to know how your product or service will actively work in their lives, take care of their concerns, or satisfy their longings. 

Feature one of a kind incentive and underline the substantial advantages they will invoke simply by making a move at that moment.

Need help writing direct mail for your startup, agency or freelancing business, simply reach out here.

Step 3: Snatch Their Attention with Strong Titles and Line Openers

Wrote this direct mail for a startup looking to build an app for ODPs in the UK

In the high-speed universe of direct mail, it is vital to catch your client or reader’s attention. 

With endless other emails competing for your reader’s attention and interest in their email list, your title and opener should be sufficiently convincing to make them pause and want to read what you have to say.

Write eye-catching titles that promptly showcase the main advantage or core proposition of your product or service. 

Utilize strong, activation words and expressions that compel interests and feelings. 

For instance, rather than a non-exclusive title like

 “Presenting Our New Product- High Paid Freelancer Premium Program,” 

choose something more enamouring like 

“We created this learning path to $2,000 in 30 days. Would you like a peek?”

Likewise, your opener needs to draw people in and allure the reader to click or open your links. 

You can use a few strategies such as 

1. A provocative inquiry, for example: 

Did you know that you might die poor if you don’t know these facts before your 30s?

2. An amazing data or fact, such as

Did you know: Over 80% of Nigerians don’t have N500k saved in their bank accounts? 

3. An interesting tale or story, like;

A banker in Nigeria said she’s happy as a toilet cleaner in the UK: Here’s her story

4. or a very intriguing or odd assertion, for example

Here’s how to make money by reading your emails upside down!

The objective is to make a profound association and arouse your reader’s interest, convincing them to jump further into your message.

Once you are able to stand out enough to be noticed, the body presents you with the platform to convey your enticing message.

Need help writing direct mail for your startup, agency or freelancing business, simply reach out here.

Here are a few crucial standards to remember to assist you with moving to the highest point of writing Direct Mail Copy

  1. Focus On benefits: 

Feature how your product or your business tackles their concerns or satisfies their cravings.

 Illustrate the positive results they should anticipate!

  1. Utilize convincing narrating: 

Weave stories that resonate with your audience. 

Share examples of overcoming adversity, tributes, or contextual analyses that exhibit genuine outcomes.

  1. Address complaints: 

Expect objections and tackle these objections. 

See them as potential protests directly in your copy. 

Some common objections your direct mail copy will need to tackle include:

  1. Lack of Budget: “I don’t have the money for anything else right now”
  1. Lack of Trust: “Do I know who you are or if you’re telling the truth?”
  1. Lack of Need: I don’t think I need it at the moment
  1. Lack of Urgency: “I can buy it later, doesn’t have to be bought right now”

Give enough testimonials and proof to build trust and foster believability.

  1. Utilize enticing language: 

Utilize convincing strategies like social proofs, building authority, and correspondence to impact the user’s dynamic interaction.

  1. Source of inspiration: Make It Immediate and convincing

Each viable direct mail piece must have a reasonable and convincing source of inspiration (CTA) that prompts the user  to make a move. 

If you want to pick up the skill of writing direct mails and learn how to do freelancing. I recommend the high-paid freelancer premium program. You can get in with my affiliate link here.

Here are a few ways to create a strong call to action:

  1. Be explicit:

State what you want the user to do without mincing words or beating about, 

If it’s buying, joining a newsletter, watching a video, visiting a website, or calling a telephone number.

  1. Use Activity Provoking or Action Words: 

Pick action words that enforce a feeling of urgency, for example, 

“Purchase A Seat,” 

“Guarantee My Spot,” or 

“Reserve My Slot.”

  1. Feature benefits: 

Bind the CTA to the advantages the user will get by making a move. 

For instance, 

Gain Momentary Access to hidden wealth ” or 

Open Your Way to Independence from the rat race.”

  1. Make it simple: 

Give clear guidelines and eliminate any boundaries preventing your reader from making a move. 

Utilize a basic and succinct language that rules out disarray.

My approach to this is to assume I’m writing to someone with the understanding of a 7-year-old.

  1. Personalization: 

Interacting on a more profound level

In the realm of direct mail, personalization is a useful asset that can essentially upgrade the viability of your copy. 

At the point when beneficiaries feel that a copy is customized explicitly to them, it fosters a feeling of association and pertinence, which improves the probability that they’ll commit and react to your copy.

To accomplish compelling personalization, focus your copy on a specified ideal audience. The more specific, the better

You can incorporate strategies like customer segmentation, buyer history, user conduct, professional career levels and from there, the sky is the limit

For example; you can create a welcome email to someone who joined your email list, but let’s assume someone bought a piece of shoes during Father’s Day- you can send them a mail that suggests more gift ideas for the next Father’s Day!

By segmenting your audience, you can make customized messages that resound with each customer or reader on a more profound level.

5 Ways To Use Direct Mail To Generate Up To $2000 in the Next 30 days

1. Promotional Offers:

Craft compelling direct mail copy that highlights limited-time promotional offers or discounts for your products or services. Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity to motivate recipients to take action and make a purchase within the month.

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2. Personalized Upselling:

Identify existing customers who may benefit from additional products or services you are currently offering.

Use direct mail to present personalized upselling opportunities based on their previous purchases or preferences.

Tailor your copy to showcase the value and benefits of the upsell, enticing them to make an additional purchase.

3. Referral Program:

Develop a direct mail campaign that encourages existing customers to refer their friends, family, or colleagues to your business (could be a product or service)

Craft persuasive copy that highlights the rewards or incentives they can earn for successful referrals.

Make it easy for recipients to share the referral information and track their progress.

4. Loyalty Program Activation:

If you have a loyalty program in place, leverage direct mail to reach out to customers who haven’t activated their membership or haven’t been actively engaged.

Create persuasive copy that communicates the benefits and perks of the program, emphasizing the exclusive rewards they can unlock by participating.

5. Event or Workshop Promotion:

Host an event or workshop, then use direct mail to generate registrations and ticket sales.

Develop attention-grabbing copy that highlights the key benefits and value attendees will gain from participating.

Include a strong call-to-action and provide a simple and convenient way for recipients to register or purchase tickets to these events.

If you want to pick up the skill of writing direct emails and learn how to do freelancing. I recommend the high-paid freelancer premium program. You can get in with my affiliate link here.


Powerful copywriting for direct mail is a skill that requires a profound comprehension of your audience, building enticing narratives, and having a convincing source of inspiration. 

You can design messages that foster belief and drive the desired outcomes by understanding your reader’s perspectives, and by grabbing their attention with strong titles and openers, thus  creating convincing body copy and a strong call to action

Make sure to consistently test and refine your copywriting systems, and consistently focus on providing value to your target audience.

With proper training and consistent writing, you can become the best at copywriting for direct mail and make extraordinary progress.

If you want to pick up the skill of writing direct emails and learn how to do freelancing. I recommend the high-paid freelancer premium program. You can get in with my affiliate link here.

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